The science behind Luma³
How conscious breathing moves our body from flight or flight to rest, focus, and relaxation.
An expert view
Find out what professionals in sleep, psychology, and wellbeing think of Luma³
The Luma³ family
With a range of practical products for in and out of the home, wellness is always within reach.
On our mind
The Power of Breaks and Breathwork for Restful Sleep
In our fast-paced world, a good night's sleep often feels like a luxury. Yet, sleep is vital for our physical...
Sustainable Alternatives for Mental Health: How do we Reduce Dependency on Medication?
When things get tough, and anxiety and depression get hold of a person, it’s down to doctors to do their...
Permacrisis - The Impact on Our Mental Health
Do you feel like you've been bombarded with bad news for what feels like forever? Wars, viruses, political scandals, and...